Loud snoring could indicate at sleep apnea, a sleeping disorder that causes your breathing to stop or become thin while sleeping. To breathe easy you can do several things.
You snore because either your airway are narrow (genetically or born with a narrower passage) or it becomes narrow due to age; as a result of which your airflow gets obstructed, and the vibrations while breathing cause a sound we call snoring. Whether your snoring is age related or genetic, you can’t do much to reverse the condition. But you can reduce your tendency to snore by doing the following:
Some people tend to snore when they sleep in a particular side or on their back, identify and avoid the position. For some people it is bending your neck that restricts your airflow, due to which you tend to snore. Don’t take pillows or if you take use a fat pillow or need more than one pillow, do away with one.
Weight and snoring are closely related as excess flab around neck and chest creates pressure on breathing muscles. Alcohol also in some cases leads to snoring. Try not drinking a few hours before going to sleep. Drinking relaxes your breathing muscles. Same happens when you use muscle relaxants. Smoking also creates inflammation or obstructs airway causing snoring.
If you snore when you have cough and cold it is congestion that makes breathing difficult; forcing increased suction can also lead to snoring. Visit your doctor. Take steps that will help to reduce dryness in the room you sleep. Use humidifier if need be to avoid stuffiness in your home.
So to avoid snoring you will be required to make some small lifestyle changes. Keep these few things in mind, keep your weight in check, sleep on your side, keep your nasal passage toned, don’t consume alcohol, sedatives, sleeping pills etc before going to bed; quit smoking, in extreme cases or when all the above steps do not help, it’s time to see a sleep specialist.