Agriculture today is on the crossroads of change. Modern agriculture though has shown great promise, has also shown many side effects.

Methods of farming practiced less than a hundred years ago and how it’s done today are very different.  While the contribution of green revolution can’t be undermined, we can’t ignore the fallout’s of the modern machines and tools (from tractors to pesticides) which have had a direct and adverse impact on the fabric of the society ultimately. The problems of pesticide residue and the excess use of fertilizer raising the costs too high have been discussed at length. The problem of soil losing fertility as a result of excess use of chemical agents is a major cause of concern. Environmental problems like unseasonal and uneven rainfall add to the woes of farmers. World over a more sustainable way of agriculture is being searched.

If you will look around, you will find  that obesity, aggression, physical health , weak eyesight, insomnia, infertility…  physical & psychosomatic  problems… are a very common scene today. Twenty years back we couldn’t imagine that some of the problems that people are suffering today could even exist.  If I were to ask, “did your grandmother ever utter the word stress?” what would your answer be?  But it’s a reality of today. Even a 5 year old is stressed today.

If we dig deeper we will find that to a great extent we’ve become what we eat! And also how we grow what we eat.

Ayurveda says that food is the next thing after breathing that provides us with the vital Prana or Life Energy to sustain our lives. It is also revered as God itself in many ancient scriptures. As per Ayurveda, there is a direct link between the food and the thinking and behavior of a person. And many modern day researches have proved it right! The food that a person eats effects their mind, the mind creates thoughts, thoughts lead to actions and a person is known by his or her actions. How all the people in a world behave defines the progress or decline of a society.

Thus food plays a very vital role not only in shaping a better world for ourselves but also for our children, where we can expect them to lead a happy, peaceful and healthy life.

Therefore, organically grown food, rich in purity and energy will be a great step towards building a healthier and a more evolved society.

Agnihotra Farming Method (AFM) is such holistic way of growing our food in the most ecological manner.

AFM is developed by experts at Institute for studies in Vedic Sciences, and is a combination of Timeless Vedic Wisdom, Modern scienctific research and experience.  

The use of Agnihotra or Homa, for creating a crop which is not only high in nutrition but also high in energy and Sattva has been discussed in many ancient texts. Such a crop can provide real nutrition and Prana.

AFM is a combination of performance of Agnihotra and other farming related Homa and the use of the high power ash from these processes as fertilizer and pesticide for the crop.

AFM is a safe, time tested, healthy and effective technique that is proving to be a great adjunct to the various methods of organic farming that are being employed all over the world. Even size, taste, texture, and yield of fruits and vegetables grown in Agnihotra atmosphere have been found to be of superior quality. Agnihotra Farms are also less prone to be affected by pest problems.

Many farmers around the world are benefiting from the use of this highly effective technique.


  • Adjuvant to traditional organic methods
  • Simple to learn and use
  • Completely natural
  • Toxic Chemical free
  • Cost effective
  • Higher rate of germination
  • High food value of the produce
  • Increase in soil fertility
  • Increases crops resistance to diseases
Ayurveda Introduction

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Better Digestion

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Yoga Introduction

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Weight Loss

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Panic Attack

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